Bible Study Series

The Book of Acts

A weekly Bible study going verse-by-verse through the book of Acts. Everyone is welcome. Come to simply listen or participate in questions and discussion at any level you feel comfortable. The book of Acts contains the history of God’s working for his people. They are always helpless without him but unstoppable with him. Christians must

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The Christian Family

There are so many fractured families and broken homes. It can seem overwhelming and complex to keep a household healthy and functioning well. But God makes it very simple. Everyone in Christ has the gift, the power, and the tools to be part of a Christian family. We will spend four weeks looking at what

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A God-Lived Life

A GOD-LIVED LIFE STEWARDSHIP CHALLENGE What does a God-lived life look like? It looks like Jesus. God became man and lived life in our place. Christ lived the perfect God-lived life. Living as a Christian, we have the privilege of being imitators of God as we live our new lives as his redeemed people. For

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