Fall Bible Challenge

Goal:        To read through and discuss the entire New Testament. How:        Read 3 chapters or 10 minutes each day. Join the Sunday Bible class at Rock of Ages to review and discuss each previous week of readings. You can still join the Sunday groups even if you didn’t read that week. Why: Find […]

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Expect An Eternal Turnaround

2 Thessalonians 1:3-10 ● November 10, 2019 ● Last Judgment Sunday ● Pastor Tom Barthel ●  Print Version ●  Audio Version ●  Video   When Jason first heard the good news about Jesus it quickly took hold of his heart. The preaching about Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection had completely turned his whole life around.

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God Gathers Us to Worship

Isaiah 56:1-8 ● November 3, 2019 ● Reformation Sunday & Mission Festival ●  Pastor Tom Barthel ●  WELS Sermon ●  Print Version ● Audio Version ●  Video   God Gathers Us to Worship A popular movie series from a few years back depicted society divided into five major factions. Everyone was assigned a specific role for

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