Bible Study

Isaiah 42 v1-9

Isaiah 42:1-9 “God Calls His Servant to Be A Light” Listen to audio of Bible Study Study of Isaiah II 42:1 God says he will “uphold” his servant. Discuss the possible interpretations for who might be referred to here as God’s servant. (Compare Is 41:8-9) 42:1 God says he will “uphold” this servant. Discuss the

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Isaiah 41 v11-29

Isaiah 41:1-20 “The Lord Has Chosen His Servant” -see previous Isaiah II post for 41:1-10. – View Isaiah 11 series -Listen to study 41:11-12 Israel only had to wait, and they would see Assyria and then the great Babylonian Empire all quickly become nothing. How are these words fulfilled for all believers? (Compare with Malachi

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Isaiah 41:1-10

Listen to entire Isaiah II series  Review of Isaiah 40:25-31 “The LORD Never Grows Weary” Review 40:25-31 We tend to think that God is like us. Share some of your favorite pictures in this section which describe how incomparably different he is from us. Explain how we can stave off the following line of thought:

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Isaiah 40:12-31

View Series Listen to audio  Isaiah 40:12-24 “The LORD is Beyond Compare” 40:12-14 Sometimes we might be tempted to question God.  What truths do you see here regarding the foolishness of that thought? Share some ways that the sinful heart acts as if it can be God’s advisor and give him insight and teaching. 40:15-17

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Isaiah 40:1-11

See series Isaiah II Isaiah 40:1-11 “Declare the Good News” Isaiah wrote beginning in 740 B.C. Recall the situation of Judah and Israel at this time.• In 722 BC Israel was destroyed by Assyria. Isaiah will prophesy until about 680BC. During his time Jerusalem was under siege by the Assyrian army. Towns were being destroyed

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