Worship Update

[a March memo -updated April 1, 2020] 2020-04-01 update: all gatherings suspended for the month of April. Worship & Bible study at home check back here for ongoing updates Members (and guests) of Rock of Ages,In light of the national and statewide state of emergency and the local measures and concerns I invite you to

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Contrast 3) Darkness & Light

Ephesians 5:8-15 ● 2020-03-15 ● Lenten Epistle Series: Contrast ● Pastor Tom Barthel ● WELS Ministries ● Audio ● Video ● Print Version How deep is the deepest place that anyone has ever gone? I found the answer from someone who did some investigative reporting and went down into the deepest mine. It is in

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Contrast 2) of Works and Faith

Romans 4:1-5,13-17 ● 2020-03-08 ● Lenten Epistle Series: Contrast ● Audio ● Video ● Print Version There is a movie (The Ultimate Gift, 2007) about a young man who has a very wealthy grandfather. When his grandfather dies, he finds out just what he was expecting: a large inheritance stands to fall into his lap.

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Contrast Worship Series

This Lent season, we will also be learning about our Christian faith by focusing on the Epistle lessons appointed for the season of Lent as we prepare for Easter. Each of the Epistle lessons illuminates a sharp contrast (sometimes multiple contrasts). We will highlight these contrasts of Lent. See how God reveals the stark contrast

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Contrast 1) of Adam and Christ

Romans 5:12-19 ● 2020-03-01 ● Lenten Epistle Series: Contrast ● Audio ● Print Version  ● Video ● WELS ● Pastor Tom Barthel   Have you ever thought about the impact of the most influential people in history? It seems like some prominent people like Abraham Lincoln were just the right person at just the right

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