Isaiah 44 v21 to 45 v7

View entire Isaiah II series Listen to audio Isaiah 44:21-28 “Remember: God Won’t Forget his Promises.” “Things will get worse before they get better” -Batman (The Batman 2022) Is that quote comforting or discomforting to you?  What about God’s plans for his people? God had just promised Jerusalem that her numbers would increase, and she […]

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Isaiah 44 v1-20

view Isaiah II series Listen Isaiah 44:1-20 God Build Israel; Deluded Fools Build Idols Can you share a time when you or someone was so blind to their cause that they didn’t even stop to realize the mistakes they were making? This section contains a revelation that God will expand Israel’s numbers by pouring out

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Isaiah 43 v14-28

View Isaiah II series – Listen Isaiah 43:14-28 “The Lord Promises A New Deliverance” Sometimes a new thing comes along which makes us completely forget the things that came before. Consider how many people today remember the emergence of VHS tapes, CDs and DVDs. Does the latest generation, which can stream videos on their devices, give

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The Church God Wants 2) A Church that Really Knows Jesus

Exodus 34:5-9 ● 2023-08-27 ● Listen View Series 5 Then the Lord came down in the cloud and stood there with him and proclaimed his name, the Lord. 6 And he passed in front of Moses, proclaiming, “The Lord, the Lord, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, 7 maintaining love to thousands, and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin. Yet he does not leave the

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Isaiah 43 v1-13

View Isaiah II series – Listen Review Isaiah 42 Explain why the servants mentioned in chapter 42 must find fulfillment in two very different servants. There is a play on words with the picture of “blindness.” Contrast what is meant by “the blind” in 42:6-7,16 and the “blind” in 42:18-19. This chapter has a theme

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