Isaiah II Bible Study series. – Listen to audio
(recorded May 16, 2024)
Isaiah 53:9-12 The Lord’s Servant Will Rise to Life and Be Exalted
Have you ever seen any impressive private mausoleums? The Russian government spends over $200,000 a year to maintain the mausoleum for Lenin’s embalmed body. It has been on display for over 100 years (since 1924). Explain why this honor is so ironic. There is only one man who fully and truly deserved to be honored in his death. Yet it is surrounded with irony.
53:9 There are two different ways translations interpret this verse. Compare with different translations to see what the two approaches are. Then compare all four gospels which record this brief event to decide which translation option fits them best: (Mt 27:57–61; Mk 15:42-47 Lk 23:50–56; Jn 19:38–42)
- ESV: They would have assigned him a grave with the wicked, but he was given a grave with the rich in his death, because he had done no violence, and no deceit was in his mouth. (also CSB, NASB)
- NIV: He was assigned a grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death, though he had done no violence, nor was any deceit in his mouth. (also ESV, NLT and most others)
- The point of this prophecy may be that Jesus’ burial was not the usual type a condemned man received. It is something unusual or unlikely. It is an unexpected prophecy fulfilled.
- First part of verse: CSB and EHV adversative vav “BUT he was given a grave with the rich in his death.”
- 2nd phrase: על usually translates as “because, on the grounds that.” More rare, “in spite of, although.”
- Note other translations are equating the wicked with the rich. Isaiah doesn’t treat these as parallel descriptions. Isaiah connects riches with honor and blessings.
- Ultimately both translations are grammatically acceptable. However, the translation of the CSB, EHV, NASB fit the New Testament description that Jesus was 1) buried alone in a rich man’s grave 2) by those who honored him as a holy and innocent man.
- Both translation options make one point clear: The Servant suffered and then died!
53:9 Some people contend that the resurrection of Jesus cannot be real since he would not have been placed in a tomb. Jesus, as a man condemned to die on a cross would normally have been consigned a pitiful grave like so many others who had been crucified before him. Commonly those crucified were left on their cross on display for many days. The scavenger birds were allowed to feed on the bodies of those crucified, sending a message to all who might dare to oppose the authority of Rome. In addition, Pilate was not known for any leniency, but rather for his ruthlessness. Give some appropriate responses to this objection.
- Prophecy says he was buried with a rich man.
- Refer to John 19:31-37. It was an exceptional occasion.
- The Jews did have reason to make this request for all the bodies on crosses that coming holy day
- Dt 21:22–23 If there is a man whose sin justly deserves a death sentence, and he is put to death, and you hang him on a tree, 23his dead body is not to remain on the tree overnight. You must bury him on the same day, because a person left hanging on a tree is cursed by God. You are not to defile your ground that the LORD your God is giving you as an inheritance.
- Thousands of Jews did indeed die under Roman crucifixion and were left to the wild animals, there are at least two historical records indicating that exceptions were occasionally made (Philo, Josephus).
- Pilate was ruthless. Nonetheless, Pilate only appeased the rulers of the Jews to prevent an uproar. He caved in to crucify Jesus, but he actually saw him as no real threat. As for the Jewish leaders, Pilate wanted to stick it to them. For example, when they asked him to change the charges against Jesus he responded, “What I have written I have written.” So, he would be quick to side with a fringe member of the Sanhedrin and the request for Jesus’ body.
53:10a Judaism contents that the Scriptures never say that the Messiah would die. Share other things in Scripture that help us know for certain that it was not a mistake but the Lord’s will for the Messiah to not only to suffer, but to die.
- The prophets had foretold and alluded to how it would happen. (Gen 3:15, Is 53, Psalm 16, Psalm 22, Zech 12:10, Dan 9:26 )
- The Scripture foreshadowed it (priestly office, day of atonement, pictures like the bronze serpent, pictures like Abraham finding provision for Isaac)
- “Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures.” – 1 Co 15:3.
- Jesus spoke of it directly at least three prominent occasions in the gospels.
- Jesus alluded to his suffering and death many times in the gospels.
- The apostles affirmed it. Ac 2:22–23. “Men of Israel, hear these words! Jesus the Nazarene was a man recommended to you by God with miracles, wonders, and signs that God did through him among you, as you yourselves know. 23This man, who was handed over by God’s set plan and foreknowledge, you killed by having lawless men nail him to a cross.
- Jesus affirmed it was prophesied. Luke 24:25-27 “He said to them, ‘How foolish you are, and how slow to believe all that the prophets have spoken! Did not the Messiah have to suffer these things and then enter his glory?’ And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he explained to them what was said in all the Scriptures concerning himself.”
- It was God’s will! It was part of his plan to rescue all the world of sinners. (Revelation 13:9)
- His lowliness and death is the very reason that the Messiah was predicted to be rejected by the leaders of Israel (Psalm 118)
- This is what makes all the numerous prophecies of his exaltation so amazing!
53:10b This verse addresses God (God the Father) who made his Son, the Servant a guilt offering. Explain how the following three points are fulfilled by the living Christ.
1) he will see his offspring.
- Jesus brings all those who are children of God through faith into the household of God.
2) God will prolong his days.
- Jesus was raised to life in glory, never to die again.
3) the Lord’s gracious plan will succeed in his hand.
- Jesus’ did the Father’s will to atone for sin.
53:11 The Dead Sea Scrolls, one of the oldest surviving Hebrew manuscripts contains the words “see the light of life.” Before the discovery of these texts in the 1940s translations had to supply the object. Over time the Bible only has become clearer and easier to defend, not more obscure! What does the incredible preservation of Scripture over the centuries impress on you?
- His Word endures forever by his gracious working and despite unbelief.
- Most translations usually used the object found in LXX (Greek ancient translation), “see the light of life.”
Review Isaiah 53:9-12
Peter quotes Isaiah 53:9. Read 1 Peter 2:21-25 to see how Christ’s life both provided atonement and set an example to follow. Share some examples of ways we might “follow in his steps.”
The Servant fulfills two main roles of a priest. Find both in this section.
- (sacrifice, intercession) (Cf Romans 8:34)
Review Isaiah 53 (including 52:13-15)
Explain: “This chapter contains all the major festivals and seasons of the Christian calendar.”
- Review the church festivals and you’ll see it nearly does! Christmas, Epiphany, Good Friday, Easter, Ascension, Pentecost.
Modern Judaism explains this chapter as referring to the nation of Israel and not the Messiah. What items refute that interpretation?
- Isaiah includes himself and Israel as rejecting him. This man is the same in the other “Servant Songs”
After the servant was crushed and suffered, what would happen?
- These last verses speak of the resurrection of the Christ. Verses 10-11 of his resurrection. Verse 12 of his ascension and holding all authority as he pours out gifts upon his church.
- He will see life and be satisfied; he will justify the people!
- Jesus said that the Scriptures declared he must first suffer then rise and enter into his glory.
Find the verses which include the various steps of Jesus’ work confessed in the Apostles’ Creed.
- Conceived (53:2), Born (53:2), Crucified (52:14 53:1-8), Died (53:8-9), Buried(53:9), Into Hell (52:15?), Rose again(53:10-11), Ascended (52:13), Seated (53:10-12), Will Come Again (52:15, 53:12)
Share what you found most amazing about this final “Servant Song.”

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