Baptized into His Death
St. Paul writes, “Don’t you know that all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death” (Romans 6:3). There is a connection between our baptism and Christ’s passion. This makes Lent the perfect season to learn anew all that God’s Word tells us about Baptism. We will see how we were powerfully connected in our baptism to Christ’s saving work. We will study again what our baptism means for our daily lives. And we will rededicate ourselves to the struggle of living the new life Baptism gives.
5:00pm Meal
6:00pm Service
Feb 21 A Sacrament, not a Sign
Feb 28 A Great Power and a Greater Gift
March 6 Baptism Is Needed by All
March 13 The Right Tool for This Job
March 20 Reliving Your Baptism Every Day

Lent: A Time of Catechetical Review
Already at the time of the Reformation, Lutheran churches would hold special services several times each year to review the catechism, a summary of key biblical teachings. Lent was almost always used as a time of catechetical review. We follow this Lutheran tradition this Lent by gathering for special midweek services under the theme, “Baptized Into His Death.”