Can you imagine going from the pit of despair to the heights of splendor? That’s what our God does for us with his undeserved love for the sinner.
Join us this Lent for our series. We’ll be looking at the Old Testament readings for Lent. And we’ll see how our God graciously reverses every circumstance for us.

Sermon Series 2021 Sundays in Lent
Feb. 21 (Lent 1) From Losing a Child to Countless In the Family (Ge 22:1-18)
Feb. 28 (Lent 2) From Possessing Nothing to Possessing Everything (Ge 28:10-17)
Mar. 7 (Lent 3) From the House of Slaves to Serving the Lord (Exodus 20:1-17)
Mar. 14 (Lent 4) From Grumbling & the Grave to Grateful & Saved (Nu 21:4-9)
Mar. 21 (Lent 5) From Scattered & Scorched to Gathered & Adored (Isaiah 43:1-7)
Mar. 28 (Palm Sun.) From Silence in Prison to Shouting in Paradise (Zec 9:9-17)