The ancient Church long used the season of Lent to instruct believers in the core truths of the faith. We all need continued feeding on those basic truths of the Christian faith. Join us for our Midweek Lent services each Wednesday 6pm during Lent in 2021. We will look at the six parts of Luther’s Small Catechism.

6pm Services at Rock of Ages
Ash Wed. (Feb 17) – The Ministry of the Keys and Confession
Midweek 1 (Feb 24)- The Ten Commandments
Midweek 2 (March 3) – The Creed
Midweek 3 (March 10) – The Lord’s Prayer
Midweek 4 (March 17)- The Sacrament of Holy Baptism
Midweek 5 (March 24)- The Sacrament of Holy Communion